My Morning Routine To Get Focused For The Day

I am both a creature of habit and a great believer in wellness rituals, so it’s no surprise that I love having a morning routine to help me get focused for the day. Habits are formed with practice and in my opinion, the key to developing positive habits is to start with small, manageable tasks since taking on too much at once can feel overwhelming. When I first began creating a morning routine, I had one purpose in mind - to focus on gratitude.
With dedication and practice, this became a powerful part of my morning and over time, I began adding more steps to my daily wellness ritual. Now I take my morning routine with me wherever I go. I pack a notebook and pen to journal, my Genuine Health Women’s Daily Probiotic, my jade roller, coffee and a lemon (I swear I actually do this and you’ll learn why in a moment!)
Decide what healthy habits you’d like to prioritize and have fun creating your own morning routine. For some extra inspiration, check out this roundup for my favorite ways to get focused for the day.
1. My Gratitude Meditation
The first thing I do when I wake up is meditate with the intention of expressing gratitude. Perhaps it’s the sound of birds singing outside my window, the sun’s rays shining, or simply the acknowledgement that I get the opportunity to greet another day – there’s always something to be grateful for.
Beginning the day with a gratitude meditation might mean breaking the habit of reaching for our phones to start scrolling. This could feel challenging at first but trust me - it will be worth it! While our phones can be of great benefit to us, it’s important that we control the amount of content we consume. Intentionally setting the tone for the day through a gratitude meditation instead of absorbing whatever we might find in our news or social feeds, will have a huge impact on how we feel and how well we focus for the rest of the day.
In addition to acknowledging gratitude for the things that come to mind as I wake, I also enjoy working with mantras. I find that they help me steady my mind and clear out distracting thoughts. I repeat to myself positive and reassuring thoughts like “I am grateful for this morning” or “I am grateful for my family”. The wonderful thing about a gratitude meditation and mantras, is that there is no wrong answer - it’s entirely up to you. Whatever it is that you feel grateful for in that moment is precisely where you want to focus your energy and attention.
2. Jade-Rolling & Intention Setting
Naturally being a multi-tasker, I find value in simultaneously doing a jade rolling facial massage while repeating intentions of self-love to myself. It always feels nice to take care of myself in this way. Some of my favorite intentions are: “Today I Will Appreciate My Body”, “I Am Completely Worthy Of Love” or “I Am Deserving Of Abundance”. Setting intentions in this way is like being your own best friend and giving yourself a morning pep talk to help you believe in yourself and clear out any negative thoughts.
3. A Fresh Glass of Lemon Water
I always start my day with a big glass of room temperature water. Try leaving a water bottle next to your bed to help make this step part of your routine – preparing the night before will ensure that this beneficial step is not overlooked in the morning rush!
The next thing I do is boil water for my coffee and lemon water. I use the juice of about half a lemon and squeeze it into a glass of boiling water which I then let cool. Lemon water is such a simple and cost-efficient way to boost your digestion. Fun fact, you can use the leftover lemon half to help clean and freshen your kitchen sink!
4. Caffeine and Probiotics Always
I really enjoy my morning coffee and it certainly has a place of honor in my morning routine! Before I make my coffee I like to take a mindful moment and smell the aroma of the beans, then I grind and brew. I also like blending in MCT (coconut-based) oil to make a frothy vegan bulletproof coffee which I feel helps invigorate my mind. While I am making my morning brew, I take my Women’s Daily Probiotic and I also give the Kid’s Chewable Variety to my son. Quality probiotics help support a healthy gut biome and a strong immune system. This step makes me feel confident that I am giving both my son and I a head start when it comes to keeping healthy.
5. Journaling for Mindfulness
Journaling is such a powerful tool to help me get focused for the day. I alternate between writing my own free flowing thoughts and curated prompts, but essentially the premise is the same. I write down things that I am grateful for - sometimes these are the same thoughts that I begin my day with and sometimes they have evolved into something new. Either way you can never have too many grateful thoughts as far as I am concerned!
Then I continue with what I want to attract that day - maybe I want to be more present as a mom or perhaps I want to finish a story or project that I am working on. Sometimes I record things that I am anxious about or challenges I am working through and how I hope to handle them that day.
I find that journaling as part of my morning routine empowers me to visualize how my day can unfold. It gives me the opportunity to set focus and intention for the day, all while recognizing all the beautiful things that already exist in my life.