Whether you’re enjoying time immersed in nature, participating in outdoor sports or simply taking in all that abundant sunshine, there’s so much inspiration to be outdoors and get your body moving over the summer months. Don’t forget that when you sweat however, your body loses essential minerals and water (and you’re made of up as much as 75% h20!), so fueling an active lifestyle with consistent hydration is key. Let’s look at why you need to keep your body hydrated and some fun ways to do so!
The Power of Proper Hydration
Not only is it crucial to replace the fluids you lose when you sweat, but “proper hydration helps regulate body temperature, support brain function and mood, and keep our joints lubricated and our digestion smooth”, according to Sarah Adler, MS, RD, and performance dietitian with UCLA Health Sports Performance.
No need to think of this as a chore however, you can make hydration fun with simple recipes like our delicious Avocado Lime Refresher! This one-step recipe uses whole food ingredients like clean collagen, to replenish electrolytes and hydrate your skin.
1. Regulates Basal Body Temperature
It’s important that your body maintains a healthy basal temperature to support optimal functioning of all your organs and systems - sweating helps keep things consistent. Warmer weather can present an opportunity to take your workout outdoors, but keep the increased temperatures in mind when doing so. Consider increasing your water intake by hydrating before, after and during exercise to avoid overheating!
2. Lubricates Joints
And speaking of workouts, staying hydrated also helps the body avoid join pain, particularly in your knees, feet, hips and hands. If your joints are not properly lubricated you might experience pain which can be a hinderance in staying active and exercising. While drinking water is not a cure for joint pain entirely, it can strongly help decrease symptoms!
3. Supports Better Digestion
Proper hydration also helps with a healthy gut, so making sure to drink your 8+ glasses of water on the daily is going to aid in digestion. Water helps your body break down the food you eat so you can absorb the nutrients you need. Summer brings plenty of seasonal foods that have a high-water content like watermelon, cucumber, blueberries, raspberries and peaches. Look at making warm weather snacks and meals that contain these hydrating ingredients in addition to drinking water and you’ll be well on your way to properly supporting your digestion.
4. Keeps the Mind Sharp
Drinking adequate amounts of water not only supports proper digestion, but it also ensures you’ll be thinking clearly. Dehydration can result in brain fog, so in order to avoid a state of confusion you’ll want to stay on top of being properly hydrated. You can try setting alerts on your phone to remind yourself to drink water or download an app that will do the same thing. Large reusable water bottles are another great way to keep track of how much water you’re consuming or you can also try the elastic band trick! Place 8 rubber bands around your wrist or water bottle and remove one every time you finish a glass, or take a few sips from your bottle equivalent to 1 glass. When all the elastics have been taken off, you know you’ve reached your desired consumption and you can reuse the bands the next day!
Get Mindful About Hydration
As we lean into the next couple of months of warm weather and abundant opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities it’s important to remember to stay hydrated. Being mindful of the body’s need to replenish fluids can be as simple as drinking our 8+ glasses of water daily, enjoying delicious fruits and veg that have a high-water content, as well as adding quality supplements to our water bottles and wellness routines!